Much Improved But Still Inadequate
This app is much improved but it is still inferior to Ubers app. I tried it last night, my experience was (1) Prior to ordering there is no indication as to how long the wait will be or where the nearest taxi is (2) After ordering, the cab does not appear on the map, so you are still in the dark as to your wait time. (3) Upon arrival at your destination, you cant just jump out of the cab, you have to wait for the driver to finalize the transaction and then go back into the app to aprove it. (Neither the Beck driver nor myself knew this, and Beck dispatch had to call me to sort out payment well after the driver had left.) When I use UberTAXI its usually Beck who shows up, and the Uber app experience is superior to using Becks own app.
Dave Ings about
Beck Taxi, v2.1.8